
With Sincerity.

Sarah Port

"Sarah's effortless kindness, understanding and compassion during the planning of our little boy's funeral helped to guide me and my husband through the fog and pain........."

"......it gave us such comfort to have you speak about her in such a moving way. It made us feel that her spirit was with us......"   

“…...very many thanks for all your hard work on our mother’s funeral. As we said on the day and others have said since it was delightful, fitting for mum and delivered beautifully…...”

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To have the honour to help bereaved families who are mourning and are suffering grief, is a great privilege.

Increasingly, as the years have passed since my own personal bereavement of a close loved one, nearly forty years ago, I have felt the desire to work more closely with those experiencing grief and bereavement. A desire to share my experience, offer my strength through my understanding and to show that there is hope.

When my beloved father died in 2008, I was able to create, with my own family, the funeral that he would have wanted. The time before his death gave me insight into palliative care. A pivotal turning point for me - the time that I realised how, through these life changing experiences of my own, I could help others suffering the raw emotion of severe grief - occurred several years later. It was after three very different funerals for friends and family, all within a few weeks of each other. I realised that by becoming an independent funeral celebrant I could fulfil a role that would combine many of my natural characteristics and enable me to help others.

Many of the attributes required to be a good independent funeral celebrant come naturally to someone with the empathy to wish to take up the training. Through choosing the Green Fuse training I have developed a deep understanding of the value of ceremony for those experiencing a loss. This allows me to effectively use my skills, and to tailor my practice to each individual.


Please get in touch with Sarah  


07973 193 178